Identifying Warning Signs That a Key Employee May Quit Your Organization...
When you see an employee is losing zest for their job, it's an oblivious sign they may not be happy in their position, but many times the warning signs are less obvious. Creating an action plan to deal with the potential exit of top employees is something every HR professional, manager, and business owner needs to anticipate. A strong preference is to meet it head-on and have a conversation with the employee as soon as possible. The following will outline a few steps and actions to consider when there are warning signs an employee is about to quit...
Preparing for Your Conversation with the Employee
The tone of the meeting is very important. The meeting should be about the employee and also about your business. This can be a delicate balance because it means you need to listen as much as talk. Avoid all negatives. You as an employer need to decide what you are willing to do to retain this employee. So ask the employee questions. Tell them you want to keep them if the two of you can come to a mutual agreement. Ask about what their new job has to offer? Make sure your employee knows you value them and that you are willing to negotiate.
Reasons Why Employees Decide to Quit
- Relationship With Their Manager - When you sit down with your employee to discuss why they are thinking of leaving, gather all the facts you can. If there is a Manager problem, the first discussion should be around why they perceive things to be unfair or missing. If the perception is true, make the correction with the manager. If the perception was formed from incomplete information, then communication is the issue. Communication is the way to recognize outstanding achievement. A commitment with the employee could fix the problem, as long as the changes are real and timely.
- More Money or Benefits - If the employee is taking another job because of the wages find out the number. Then you have to decide if you can or want to pay that amount. You could counter with a perk and work out the cash value. You also need to think about the perspective of what it will cost if you have to adjust the whole team or the whole company to replace this employee. Find out if your company is behind the industry pay scale. Be ready to make an offer and deliver it when you meet with the employee.
- Distance from Home to Job - Flexible schedules are a good first response. In early and home early and there is no added cost to you. Work from home a 2-3 days a week. As long as the work gets done there is no downside. Creating a program like this shows your commitment to the employee.
- Cost of Day Care - Employers can figure out what salary would realize a net income after childcare costs that would make it worthwhile for the employee to stay. You pay more but you get to keep your employee. The childcare issue is short-lived so it may be a good idea to hire the employee part-time with the hope that when the problem is solved and the children are in school full time they could come back to work full time. One of the best-case scenarios, open a daycare at the business and have it as a perk for all employees.
- Dysfunctional or Disengaged Employees On Their Team - Disengaged employees are less likely to work hard, feel motivated, or meet expectations for their role, and they cause 50% of errors and defects in work performance. Get to the bottom of the problem told to you by the employee who may want to quit. This all too commonly arises when the team includes someone who is actively disengaged. Find them and coach them for improvement or toward an exit. Once you do so the employee who work with them will be happier and easier to retain.
- More Free Time - Flex schedules are cost and time-neutral options. Offer 4 ten-hour days instead of 5 eight hours days. Or maybe the employees just wants 4 eight hour days. If you want to keep them and they can get what you need from them in 32 hours, that may be better than to start over with a new hire.
- Underemployed - Maybe an employee started working for you when they were going to school but now they have graduated. If they are a valued employee it will be easy to transition them into a new position within the company.
- Moving - Now with telecommuting, plane and train connections, and the 24/7 business day, you have options. One option is hiring the employee as a consultant. In the old days, there was no middle ground on this one.
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